South African Transkei.South African Transkei 2 swabs per pack. This mushroom was discovered only in 2002 in the coastal area Transkei, South Africa. As far as I know, it’s the first hallucinogenic mushroom that comes from the African continent. South Africa, in particular the city of Durban, has a rich trading history and have been at the center of many trading empires, bringing in ships laden all manner of interesting items. Its not known who was the first to see great value in the South African Transkei but I am sure glad mycology is a world wide study. From one hand to another, the prints found their way to us.. The mushroom is average-sized and has one important detail: this mushroom will, most likely, overtake the casing layer. A cold shock does not seem to have any effect on this. When you place them in fruiting conditions, the casing layer will be completely covered by white mycelium very quickly. It will still produce a nice amount of mushrooms though. Substrate: compost, grain, pasteurized dung & straw Temperature during colonization: 26-27 C Temperature during cropping: 22-26 C Some strains do not print easily. For these strains, a sterilised cotton swab is placed up into the mature gills of the chosen species cap. The swab is agitated through the gills of the mushroom caps where there spores are able to stick to the porous cotton fibers. Once removed, the spore laden cotton bud is placed into a protective plastic sleeve. The spore swabs contain millions of spores. Once delivered all the customer would need to do is. 1 Go to your still air box of flow cabinet.2 Open the spore swab packet.3 Drag the spore swab across the STERILE viewing slide so that the spores may be observed under micro scope. STORAGE BEFORE USE….Please store the spore swab packet in a dry, dark space where the temperature is cool 15cSTORAGE AFTER USE…..The spore swab is best used as a single use study item. that being said. It is possible to use a scalpel blade to scape a small amount of spore material from the spore swab to the viewing slide if the customer only needed to view a small amount of spores. For this method you can easily place the dry spore swab back into its plastic cover after scraping off a little spore material. Store in a dry, dark space at 15c.Released by* Spores intended for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. Images provided for informational and educational reference only and originate from cultivators and labs outside the UK. Cultivation of this species is illegal in many countries including the United Kingdom. Please check your local regulations. Placing the tip of a spore swab onto agar, or other growing media such as rye grain or brown rice flour mixtures will result in the germination of said spores and this may be against the laws of your country. Please check your local laws. * Spores intended for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. Images provided for informational and educational reference only and originate from cultivators and labs outside the UK. Cultivation of this species is illegal in many countries including the United Kingdom. Please check your local regulations.
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