Hello and welcome to the Myers Collection. “Penis Envi Variants”
A continuation of SporeBuddies “Reach out and reach far” program that started back 2018. A project that Just like the mycelium network aims to connect SporeBuddies with the best and finest Lab varieties from soon to be famous American Cultivars.
Spores presented on Cotton swabs and sealed up ready for delivery.
As you know some varieties do not drop spores well enough to make a spore print. For these varieties a cotton swab is inserted up between the gills of mature mushrooms. With a little agitation, the cotton swap tip will be covered in spores.
The spore swab tip will contain millions of spores condensed into the small space of the cotton spore swab.
Known as Cottons in some American Circles. Spore swabs are a great way to preserve spore for future study.
The variety List and how to choose.
As there are quite a few different spore swabs in the “Myers Collection”. I will be listing them in 3 different lists rather than individually at first.
This is the “Penis Envi Variant” list. There are only 5 of Each Variety. Please do not delay as I expect some Names to sell out fast.
Mr Myers recently entered the 2021 Fall Fungi Cup and scored really well with a classic “Ol Dirty Penis Envi” side move that was sure to have stunned the judges. Where do they get these names lol :0 You guys are making history don’t forget hahahaha.
Please see the list for all options.
Mark and the Team.
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