The Lizard King.
Here is a quote from the Man him self.
Lizard King said:
This week just keeps getting more strange by the day for cubies. I can’t find a single cube in the local cow pastures, but here I am finding them in horse pastures and wood chips of all places!! You see, there is this horse park where I live, the 96 Olympics were there. Anyways, there are stables, and riding arenas all over this park, and there are what you call “manure pits”, where the manure and stable bedding gets shovelled into. Well, I stopped and asked an attendant where they empty these dung pits at? He directed me about a mile up the road to the dump site and said I was free to take all I needed. So I get up there, and the dump consists mainly of the wood chip bedding from the stables, and a few horse turds here and there, didn’t look very promising. Low and behold though, I step out of the truck and there sits a fat cluster of three large cubies. The thing is, they were growing from freaking wood chips!!!! I am sure there is horse shit buried under those chips somewhere, but the mycelium was actually growing in the wood chips, no dung visible at all, and I even dug a little. This has got to be the strangest of places I have ever found, or ever will find a cubie. I couldn’t f*#&ing believe it!!
I found a horse stable close to home and asked them where they dump their stable trash, they told me where to go and said to take all I wanted. Stable waste is 90% wood shavings, its used for bedding for the horse, the other 10% is the dung that the horses drop in their stables. When I first pulled up to the site I spotted 3 nice fat cubies and couldn’t believe it!! I picked them in a pile of wood chips, the mycelium was eating it up and loving it, there is absolutely no horse dung in site around them, not under it, beside it or around it. I think there is or was probably a small piece of horse dung that was colonised and spawned itself into the wood chips, its so apparent that it doesn’t mind the wood chips, it actually loves it and seems to benefit from it, they grow way more healthy, thicker stemmed, plump and potent. They’re awesome!!
hmmmmm very interesting.
* Spores intended for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. Images provided for informational and educational reference only and originate from cultivators and labs outside the UK. Cultivation of this species is illegal in many countries including the United Kingdom. Please check your local regulations.
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