Sent in from the USA by Nichy. Dude the streets are paved with gold because of you buddy.
The Golden Halo…..
A spore extraordinaire. The Golden Halo strain is the only Psilocybin cubensis strain to produce Spores with a golden hue. As is commonly known, most of the cubensis family drops a dark purple to black spore print. Now purple was ok for Prince and black is well the new black. For some…… Black just isnt good enough.
Standing tall on pure white and slender stems. The Golden Halo is a good producer. With large bell shaped caps opening fully when mature.
Legend says the strain was first discovered in Jamaica by Steve W. Who said, “This has been observed to be the fastest colonizing Ps. Cubensis strain available”. Well i can’t vouch for that but i can tell you that I have a single Golden Halo Spore Print mounted on my office desk and im stoked.
This will stay in my collection for a very long time and I hope you will add it to your spore print collection soon.
Taken on ALUMINIUM foil and protected by 90mmx15mm Polystyrene Petri Dish. The Petri Dish is sealed with Micropore Tape.
* Spores intended for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. Images provided for informational and educational reference only and originate from cultivators and labs outside the US. Cultivation of this species is illegal in many countries including the United Kingdom. Please check your local regulations.
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