Past Events
Neuried Jiu-Jitsu Club (Germany) - 2010 Belt Grading
On February 17, 2010, the Neuried Judo and Jiu Jitsu Club (located in Germany) held a belt grading. The nearly 5-hour examination tested 10 candidates in throws, locks, chokes, kicks and punches, and self-defense. They also were required to demonstrate use of and defense against various weapons. As if that was not enough, at the end of the grading a number of those tested were asked to fight blindfolded against several opponents simultaneously.
All candidates were ultimately successful. CONGRATULATIONS to all !
Test results are as follows:
Blue Belt : Bettina Lohrer, Bruno Lefèvre, Andreas Waldhecker, Andreas Gössel, Hartmut Schröder
Green Belt : Roland Schmidt
Orange Belt : Juergen Benthin and Christian Ziegler
Yellow Belt : Angelina Alfano and Korbinian Kroger
Trainers & Examiners: Michael Haselein; Holger Schipper