
About Us

The Canadian Ninja Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Fellowship (CNJJBBF) is a non-profit association of Black Belt graduates and affiliates from the Canadian Ninja-Ryu Jiu-Jitsu system of Martial Arts. We represent the interests of Fellowship Black Belts whose goal it is to advance the art and help each other evolve as Martial Artists.

Our Philosophy

The four pillars of our value system are discipline, honour, respect and friendship. We are open-minded, dedicated, hard working and flexible in our approach to teaching and learning Martial Arts. We believe in using what works and are not bound by tradition for tradition’s sake. We encourage CNJJBBF Black Belts to learn other arts so they can progress and bring the knowledge back to help refine our system. We train for life.

Our Crests

Each of our four official crests are symbols of our system’s lineage, philosophy, and vitality. To enlarge, simply click on any thumbnail.