Sensei Mariane Gravelle
Sensei Mariane Gravelle began training in the martial arts in 2003 when she joined Gauthier-Lalonde Jiu-Jitsu. She was fortunate to learn from Renshi Alain Lalonde and Renshi Jocelyn Gauthier, earning her dojo black belt in 2009. She regularly taught classes with the school until its closure in 2013.
Through her involvement with Gauthier Lalonde Jiu-Jitsu, Mariane participated in classes with Professor Ray Zwicker and began learning Kali-Jitsu in 2005. She attended classes regularly until 2011, when she stepped away to attend university. After completing her studies, she returned and devoted more time to her training, where she developed a particular fondness for training with weapons. In 2019, after two years of dedicated training with her instructor, Professor Zwicker, she earned her first-degree black belt in Ninja-Ryu Jiu-Jitsu. She now looks forward to earning her Kali-Jitsu certification and taking on a more active role within the Fellowship.