A. You must be over 18 years. If you are not yet old enough, get in touch when you have your birthday and when you apply let us have sight of your birth certificate.

A. Yes! We love bright young women who enjoy male company and have had several student escorts in the past. You could fit in your escorting around your studies easily!

A. We welcome young women with no experience and previously experienced escorts, everyone is a brand new escort at some time! Manchester is a great place to be an escort!!

A. In fact we work around Greater Manchester and the North West, but all of our escorts are provided with agency drivers to chauffeur them to their appointments and for their security.

A. We introduce our escorts to clients to share their time and companionship, how they spend their time is always agreed between the two of them. A variety of escort services can be enjoyed by both.

Our Partners


Manchester SugarBabes acts as an introductory agency only. Any fees mentioned on our website, www.manchestersugarbabes.co.uk, any of the other websites Manchester SugarBabes may advertise on, or any other correspondence in any format, whether written or verbal (including but not exclusively limited to electronic formats) with people working with us at Manchester SugarBabes, are strictly for companionship and time and these things only.