The AVS proprietary booking system, is a secure, customisable online booking systems takes all the additional administrative work out of an employee vaccination program, even if you have multiple sites in various States and Territories. It has been built from the ground up and tested over many years of use with the AVS flu vaccination program. The system has been updated to be able to take Covid-19 bookings in the same user-friendly manner that our clients have experienced with flu vaccination program.
The AVS online system is available for both Covid-19 and flu vaccination booking. The system can be co-branded with your logo, and the landing page shows every clinic you offer to your staff with its location, time, and date, as well spaces remaining. Pharmacy Flu Vouchers and the AVS Reimbursement system can also be accessed through this landing page.
Once the link has been shared with staff, employees can easily select, book and manage their appointments. This includes adding the appointment to their calendar, receiving confirmation and reminder emails, as well as access to change or cancel their appointment.
Once an employee has selected the time slot they wish to attend, they will also be asked to complete the consent form online and provide information, so we can update their Medicare record. On the day of the appointment, AVS Nurses will access all the information digitally and record any additional information and staff consent signatures before administering the flu shot.
Appointments are offered in different increments depending on whether the vaccination service being provided. For example, 8 spots are available in every 15 minutes for flu vaccinations, and 2 per 10 minutes for Covid-19 vaccinations. For large or all-day clinics, mandatory break times will automatically be allocated for the nurse and no bookings can be made during mandatory break times.
The length of each increment and the number of vaccinations per increment is customisable, however, our experience over the years has shown that 8 vaccinations per 15 minutes works well for flu vaccinations, and based on the latest recommendations, 2 per 10 minutes (based on 2 nurses) for Covid-19 vaccinations.
The online booking system is private and not advertised to the public. AVS will grant clients access to their organisation’s events and information, providing a username and password for a single or, upon request, multiple contacts.
The secure online booking tools used by AVS are customisable, so that you can capture further information on the employees that are registering for a vaccination or Pharmacy Flu Voucher. For example, you may wish to collect employee ID numbers, or understand uptake by division, or location. Reports can be produced on these fields, including cross site reports.
All we need to know is the questions you would like us to include, and how you would like employees to answer those questions, i.e. drop-down box, tick box, free type etc.
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